Cardinals QB Kyler Murray (Post-Game Transcript)

On the team’s confidence:

“Felt confident. Yeah, after the game, [Cardinals Head Coach Jonathan Gannon] had told us you know, we didn’t punt all day. So, as far as confidence, we moved the ball the whole first half. We just obviously got the interception, and then kicking field goals in the red zone. So, it wasn’t like we weren’t moving it. But I think we executed well today. We executed the game plan. Guys blocked their [tails] off, receivers and running backs made plays, and it was a good day.”


On Murray’s instinct at the two-minute warning:

“[Cardinals Head Coach Jonathan Gannon] actually told me go win it, which I mean, he didn’t even need to say. At that point it was – that’s just the killer instinct you’ve got to have in this sport. Not only this sport, just in life for me as far as to try and make the most of every moment coming into the building. Obviously, a great team to go and win it, and the guys, they played well. They played great today. We executed and we did our thing and, you know, it’s good. It’s good to feel that. Obviously with everything that’s happened, a lot of disappointment this year, a lot of tough losses. But trying to finish the season off the right way.”


On what worked in the second half:

“Oh, I just think it was just getting in a groove. You know, focusing on the play that was in the moment. Just being in the moment focusing on that play, understanding the concepts and what we’re trying to accomplish and execute. Not worrying about anything before or after. Letting it go. And also, man, just like I said, hitting a groove, getting these reps in and continue to play football. That’s kind of – I don’t know what game this is, but you know, it’s feeling good now.”


On connecting with Cardinals WR Michael Wilson after the interception:

“My confidence never waivers in any of those guys. That was just a simple miscommunication. It wasn’t a physical error. It was just a mental lack on my part and his part. And, you know, for me to – I know, it was a booster for him. He was really excited about it on the sideline after he scored, just to trust him and show him the cut, you know, show him that I got him no matter what. And that’s just who we are. I think it’s a good brotherhood. And just – it’s fun. Fun to go out and play with these guys.


On if this is really just another game for Cardinals Head Coach Jonathan Gannon:

“I mean, in a sense, yes, it’s just another game, but not just another game, you know? I know he wanted to win it really badly. Just, you know, not alma mater, but his previous team. I would want to win it, so I know the guys felt that energy from him, that we wanted to come out here and do it for him.”


On if Murray feels like his old self:

“No, I wouldn’t say, ‘Oh, it’s just, you know, it’s just being a form.’ Whatever that peak level for whoever the individual is like, today was – I think we would’ve played with anybody.”


On what changed with the receivers:

“I think just, throughout the week, obviously we had to switch some stuff up. Focusing on it, you know, working it, attention to detail. And then [Cardinals Offensive Coordinator] Drew [Petzing] did a great job today. Called a [heck] of a game and we just went out there and executed.”


On if there was a point where Murray knew the Cardinals would win:

“I mean, it’s tough to go look for it, you know, look forward to that, but just trying to execute every play. Lock in on that play, execute it. But, of course, we felt like we could win. I think when it was 21-21, at that point, if we didn’t turn the ball over, it wasn’t – they had a tough time stopping us.”